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Training an Anti-poaching unit in South Africa

Author: Ron

Published: 2022

Category: Written by Ron

Training an Anti-poaching unit in South Africa.

In a country where the average monthly income doesn’t reach $1,500, a single pound of rhino horn can go for as much as $80,000.  This incredible inequity allows sophisticated illicit poaching rings, armed with suppressed rifles, thermal optics and drones take advantage of local anti-poaching rangers who are grossly under-armed, under-equipped, and under-staffed. 

These anti-poaching rangers not only have to deal with the illegal poaching gangs, but also the constant dangers of being in the wild with lions, leopards, hippos, elephants, and rhinos.  These aren’t zoo animals, the rhinos have already attacked and injured local members of the anti-poaching team. It’s dangerous work. 

Over the last two years, members of the Tactical Fitness instructor team, including Ron and Jon Wayne, have been honored to help, traveling to South Africa to provide security consulting and direct trauma and rescue care training and equipment to the anti-poaching rangers.  Ron and Jon Wayne not only provide this education and equipment there, in the bush, but also go with the anti-poaching rangers on day and night-time patrols to validate that training, as well as to ensure that the training is appropriate for the environment and mission.

The TF team will keep doing our part, helping the anti-poaching rangers in South Africa safely continue the crucial work of protecting the endangered rhino populations.