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Why firearms training is the #1 best bachelor party activity in Austin.

Author: tido

Published: 2023

Category: Firearms

Why firearms training is the #1 best bachelor party activity in Austin.

So you decided to go to Austin, Texas to have your best bachelor party experience?


Austin is the live music capital of the world with many live shows, events, and festivals. 

But guess what? 

It’s still Texas! Our national sport is shooting. Firearms training is the best bachelor party activity to do in Austin; it’s first and foremost a lot of fun, it’s competitive, and most importantly it’s a skill every man should have to protect their future wife.

Let’s face it, shooting a gun is a lot of fun. Especially the way we run our range. (Safety always first!) Hearing the steel target “ring” when you make that hit is very satisfying. The noise, the power, and the feel; all make a tactical bachelor party a lot of fun. We always see smiles all around shortly after the first few shots, even with the timidest of the group.

Guys like to compete! A great way to have a friendly competition with your bros is to see who is the best shot. Here at Tactical Fitness, we run various shooting competitions at our “Tactical Bachelor Parties;” these can be to see who makes the fastest precise shots at small targets, shooting from various positions for speed, or shooting combined with running. Of course, there is a lot of shit-talking involved and a good time all around. 

Let’s face it, a man must be able to protect his woman! Tactical training with Ex-special forces is a great manly activity to do with your bachelor party. It will make your future wife feel safer knowing her man knows how to defend her!

Whether you are coming to Austin for the BBQ or the live music or Formula 1 races, remember you are in Texas! Firearms training is our national sport. The Best bachelor party weekend will not be complete without firearms training with Tactical Fitness. It will be fun, competitive, and EPIC!